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What’s the Secret of John Abraham’s Physique?

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Well, if we make a list of Bollywood celebrities on the basis of their physique, John Abraham would definitely top the list. With amazing looks and enviable body he is ruling the bollywood industry.

Here’s the secret to his stunning body –

  • John Abraham trains under one of the best trainers Vinod Channa and works out for around four times a week.
  • He includes both vegetarian and non-vegetarian food in an equal proportion in his diet.
  • He consumes 200 grams of protein daily as it plays an important role in muscle building and weight loss.
  • He includes 9-10 eggs whites fish, curd, protein supplements, and other veggies on a daily basis.
  • He consumes a high protein and carb diet and ensures to burn 4000 to 5000 calories per day, which truly must be requiring him to work out.
  • Most of the people actually focus on building biceps. John advises men to concentrate on the toning and strengthening of the legs, which is often ignored by the people. He says that the overall fitness of the body is important, and not just that of a few parts.
  • He takes multivitamin tablets and protein supplements and never compromises on it.
  • He is against steroids and fat burners as they have a negative impact on the health of the person.
  • In an interview, John has admitted that he has not touched soft drinks for the last 20 years and takes his diet very seriously. He refrains himself from junk food and does not encourage the cheat days or cheat meals.

He is a great lover of Parsi food and is fond of home cooked Parsi foods.

It should be remembered that weight loss is 60% of the diet and 40% of what we do and how we work out.

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